
Raffles among Unicaja customers experiences to enjoy Champions League matches at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium

The little ones can participate as player mascots accompanying the players on the field in Champions League matches

05 NOV 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has launched a promotion* whereby customers can win an experience for the little ones to participate as player mascots, accompanying the players on the field in UEFA Champions League matches, as well as enjoying the match afterwards.


The bank is raffling off four player mascot experiences for each of the remaining league matches (group stage, quarterfinals and semifinals) of the UEFA Champions League to be held at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, for a total of 24 experiences.


The child nominated by each of the winning customers will have the opportunity to take the field with a player. In addition, both the customer and the child will be able to enjoy the game once the jumping ceremony is over.


This Unicaja promotion is provided by Mastercard, sponsor of the UEFA Champions League.


How to participate


To participate, customers must make a purchase with their Mastercard credit card in the month of the raffle or the previous month and be registered for the raffle through Digital Banking or Unicaja branches. It is only necessary to register once in order to participate in the different draws, which will be held 15 days before each match.


Also, according to the requirements indicated by the organizers, participating children must be between 7 and 9 years old and between 1.10 and 1.35 meters tall.


(*) Promotion valid from 01/10/2024 to 13/04/2025 and limited to 24 experiences 'Player Mascot' in 2024-2025 season.


Check the  promotion rules here.

  • Institucional

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