
Unicaja to pay a first interim dividend of six euro cents per share

This interim dividend, which is expected to be paid on 19 December, is more than 20% higher than the total distributed in 2023

29 NOV 2024

1 Min reading

The Board of Directors of Unicaja, held today in Oviedo, has approved the payment of an interim dividend of six euro cents per share, equivalent to 52% of the consolidated net profit for the first half of the year, to be paid to the bank's shareholders on 19 December, 2024.


The excellent solvency levels and the significant improvement in the company's net income have allowed this interim dividend for 2024 to exceed the total paid in 2023 by more than 20%.


This is the first time that the company has distributed an interim dividend since its IPO. In addition, this payment is prior to the supplementary dividend that is expected to be distributed in 2025, once the annual accounts have been approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.


On the other hand, the Board of Directors has also approved the dividend policy, which will be published on Unicaja's corporate website, and whose main purpose is to align shareholder remuneration with the best practices of good governance, in balance with financial soundness and long-term sustainability.

  • Institucional

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