
Unicaja lends the 'Casa de las Carnicerías' in León to the Brotherhood of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno, to install a Christmas Nativity Scene

The 16th century building will be the setting for the assembly of a large Nativity Scene with more than 300 figures and other cultural activities

11 NOV 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has agreed to temporarily lend the Casa de las Carnicerías, a historic building in the center of León, to the Brotherhood of Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno, for the assembly this Christmas of a Nativity Scene with more than 300 figures, as well as for the celebration of other cultural activities.


The transfer agreement was signed by the regional manager of Unicaja in Castilla y León Norte, Marga Serna, and the abbot of the Brotherhood, Ignacio Tejera Montaño.


The transfer of this building, until the month of February, will be used for the installation of a Nativity Scene composed of more than 300 figures, of which almost 100 will be animated. These figures are contributions of various brothers of the brotherhood. In addition, the brotherhood will organize other cultural and educational activities, as well as temporary exhibitions. Both the abbot and the regional manager of Unicaja hope that this transfer will be the beginning of a close collaboration in the future in various fields.


The Brotherhood of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno was founded in 1611 and, after more than 400 years of history, is currently the largest and most emblematic of León. It has almost 4,500 brothers and sisters and has a rich and varied heritage, represented in the 13 floats that they carry on their shoulders every year during Holy Week. These floats include images by renowned artists such as Gregorio Fernández, Gaspar Becerra, Francisco Díez de Tudanca, or more contemporary artists such as Víctor de los Ríos and Navarro Arteaga, among others.


In addition to participating in the central events of Holy Week, the brotherhood remains active throughout the year, with various cultural activities aimed at different groups.


The Casa de las Carnicerías is an emblematic building located in the Plaza de San Martín, dating from the end of the 16th century. Of Renaissance style, it is one of the most significant works of Leon's civil heritage, designed by Juan Ribero de Rada. This building, which in the past housed offices of the bank and other uses, was temporarily transferred by Unicaja in 2018 to the Town Hall of León, as the headquarters of the Gastronomic Capital held that year.

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