Unicaja has collaborated in a seminar held in Salamanca, which aims to promote the transformation of the habitat sector in the region through the attraction of young talent. This initiative, promoted by AECIE, with the participation of a dozen representatives from various fields, was held at the facilities of Unicaja, and was attended by companies, institutions and educational centers. On behalf of Unicaja, the head of SMEs and Agro, Lucía Rivas, and the regional manager in Catilla y León Sur, Manuel Rubio, attended the event.
The Habitat de Talento project is driven by AEICE, a private not-for-profit association. With more than 140 partners from the value chain of the habitat sector, it pursues the objective of providing a collaborative response to the challenges in this field, while promoting competitiveness and the transformation of the construction industry.
As part of this strategy, various initiatives are being carried out in the region, including meetings and discussion forums, to which habitat companies, institutional representatives, educational authorities and experts are invited to contribute their views on the sector and its possibilities for improvement.
In addition, workshops have been scheduled in 30 educational centers to align the expectations of students with the needs of companies, so that young people find it attractive to work in a modern and innovative sector that requires new professional profiles.
AECIE is based on the collaboration of 25 companies in Castilla y León that act as a guide for the transformation of traditional activities related to construction and related sectors. This sector concentrates some 25,000 companies in the region, which generate 82,000 jobs.
The value chain brings together activities ranging from endogenous resources (wood and stone), to the processing industry (wood, stone, glass, cement and ceramics), auxiliary services, construction and infrastructure (building and rehabilitation) and waste revaluation and management.