Unicaja joins one more year the initiative promoted by Fundación Adecco to raise awareness and promote the social and labor inclusion of women victims of gender violence, in the framework of the celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is celebrated this Monday, 25 November.
In this regard, the bank has renewed its collaboration agreement with Fundación Adecco to support, among other training and support actions for women victims, the publication of the twelfth Report on Gender Violence and Employment, which it prepares every year.
The goal of this report is to make the social and labor reality of these women visible and to highlight the value of employment as a key factor for the normalization of their lives. This study by the foundation also aims to serve as a starting point for the development of proposals and initiatives to promote their inclusion in the labor market, as well as to eliminate the stereotypes that continue to hinder their access to companies and thus rebuild their lives.
Another goal of the initiative is to encourage companies and public administrations to contribute to promoting and normalizing the presence of these women in the workplace, in addition to collaborating in measures and actions that favor their employability.
Unicaja’s commitment to equality and diversity
As part of its Sustainability policy, Unicaja has an Equality Plan, which reinforces equal opportunities between men and women as one of the entity's traditional values. It also contemplates the application of specific measures that promote the balanced assumption of responsibilities and favor the reconciliation of work and family life of its employees.
The bank also has a Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment in the Workplace and provides its employees with procedures for dealing with victims of gender-based violence -originating outside the workplace- and for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Fundación Adecco
Fundación Adecco, established in 1999, is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility assumed by Grupo Adecco. Its main objective is the inclusion in the labor market of those people who, due to their personal characteristics, have more difficulties to find a job: disabled people, long-term unemployed people over 45 years old, people over 55 years old, women with unshared family responsibilities or victims of gender violence, as well as other groups at risk of social exclusion.