
Exclusive financing and greater agility in operations in olive grove sector

La entidad pone a disposición de los agricultores una nueva campaña con productos y servicios financieros específicos

18 DEC 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has a new financing campaign* exclusively for olive groves, which offers farmers specific products and services, and above all offers agility in the processing of the different transactions.


In this way, the bank responds to the financing needs of farmers, by being able to advance the liquidation of the harvest in order to improve the productivity of the farm, once again demonstrating its traditional support to the agricultural sector.


With these Unicaja products and services, characterized by the agility in its approval, the bank responds to the financial needs of the farmers so that they can have, quickly and immediately, the necessary amount to undertake the expenses of their olive exploitation.



Full range of products and servirces



Among the wide range of products that Unicaja offers to farmers, agricultural insurance** is also available to protect and guarantee production and farm facilities.


For further information on the details of this campaign, farmers can contact Unicaja branches, where they will get personalized guidance and assistance from the bank managers.


These products and services show the financial institution's continued support to agriculture, in particular, and to the rural world, in general, reaffirming its objective of being close to society and its needs.


This support is reflected in the continuous adaptation of its offer to the needs of farmers and companies in the sector, with the creation of a wide range of specialized financial products and services with advantageous conditions.



* The granting of financing operations is subject to Unicaja's risk criteria, taking into account the time required for the approval and formalisation of these operations.


** Insurance contracted with CASER, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., through Unimediación S.L.U., an affiliated bancassurance operator, registered in the Special Administrative Register of Insurance Distributors of the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds with registration number OV-0010, acting through the Unicaja Banco, S.A. network. Civil liability insurance taken out in accordance with current legislation. You can consult the insurance companies with which Unimediación S.L.U. has an agency contract at

  • Productos y servicios

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