
Unicaja agrees with the City Hall of León to temporarily use the Santa Nonia hall as a concert venue

The Santa Nonia hall, located in the city center, has a capacity for 200 people and is fully equipped for musical recitals and other activities

26 DEC 2024

2 Min reading

Unicaja has signed an agreement with the City Hall of León for the Santa Nonia hall to temporarily become the stage for the monthly program of the Fundación Eutherpe, dedicated to promoting and encouraging the training of young musicians, and the Spanish Music Cycle. Both initiatives have a recognized prestige in the cultural agenda of the city.


The agreement for this transfer has been signed by the Councilor for Cultural Action and Promotion of the City Hall of León, Elena Aguado, and by the regional manager of Unicaja in Castilla y León North, Marga Serna. This agreement is established for a period of one year and can be renewed annually. Both the City Hall and Unicaja have expressed their satisfaction with this collaboration, which will promote musical programming in the city of León.


The hall is located in Santa Nonia Street, in the center of the city. It has a capacity for 200 people and is fully equipped for conferences, screenings and cultural activities.


In addition, it is worth mentioning the transfer by Unicaja last November of the Casa de las Carnicerías to the Cofradía of the Dulce Nombre de Jesús Nazareno, for the assembly of a Nativity Scene of more than 300 figures for this Christmas, as well as for the celebration of other cultural activities. The Nativity Scene was inaugurated on 4 December with an event attended by the mayor of the city, José Antonio Diez.


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