
New campaign to attract salary and direct debit of bills, offering up to 630 euros

The bonus will be up to 450 euros gross for direct deposit of salary or pension and up to 180 euros gross for having directly debited bills

06 FEB 2025

3 Min reading

Unicaja launches a new bonus campaign for direct deposit* of salary or pension and offers up to 630 euros gross during the first year if, in addition to that, bills (water, electricity, gas and telecommunications) are paid by direct debit.


This new promotion, available until July 31, in branches or through digital banking, is aimed at both non-customers and those who, being customers, do not have direct deposits or receipts in the last 12 months.


Specifically, the action includes an incentive of 450 gross euros for salaries or pensions equal to or greater than 2,000 euros per month, or 200 gross euros for monthly salaries equal to or greater than 800 euros and less than 2,000.


To benefit from the incentive for direct deposit of wages, the client must have Bizum activated in the Unicaja mobile application and sign a two-year permanence document.


Independently of the advantages of having the payroll or pension in Unicaja, the promotion also includes the return for 12 months of the amount of the new bills (water, electricity, gas and telecommunications) domiciled by the account holder, up to a maximum of 15 gross euros per month and 180 gross euros per year.


This promotional action aimed at direct deposit of wages and bills is part of Unicaja's commercial commitment to attracting high-value customers.



*Incentive for direct deposit of payroll or pension: For those people of legal age and the first holder of a Unicaja account in which their payroll or pension is deposited between €800 and less than €2,000 (with a net bonus of €162) or equal to or greater than €2,000 (with a net bonus of €364.50), who sign up for the promotion that ends on 31 July 2025, and who sign a commitment to remain with the entity for 24 uninterrupted months. It will be necessary that their payroll or pension was not domiciled with the Entity in the twelve months prior to signing the adhesion document and that the client has Bizum activated in the Unicaja app (clients over 75 years of age will be exempt from complying with this requirement) during the entire period of permanence. Refund of up to 15 gross euros per month, with a limit of the amount of direct debits, for 12 months (with a net bonus of 12.15 euros) for direct debits, in the name of the account holder, with a maximum limit of 180 gross euros per year (with a net bonus of 145.8 euros). For these purposes, the customer must not have direct debits with the Entity in the twelve months prior to signing the membership document. Only water, electricity, gas and telecommunications bills are counted. You have 3 months from the date of membership to meet the requirements of the promotion. The payment into the client's account for direct debit of payroll or pension and for direct debit of receipts is subject to taxation and is classified as income from movable capital obtained by the transfer of own capital to third parties, pursuant to article 25.2 of Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax. Pursuant to articles 74.1 and 75.1 of the Personal Income Tax Regulations, these incomes are subject to withholding tax at the current withholding rate.


Check here the promotion terms and conditions.


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