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Approved the merger by absorption of Caja España Vida by Unicorp Vida

After the transaction, Unicorp Vida continues to be held at 50% by Unicaja Banco and Santalucia. 29 ABR. 2019
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Unicaja's Edufinet Project organizes in Malaga a workshop on economics and finances for Danish students

The Edufinet Project, promoted by Unicaja Banco and Fundación Unicaja, has organized in Malaga a workshop on economic concepts and financial products, given in English to a group of young students from Denmark. 26 ABR. 2019
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Unicaja Banco's General Meeting approves the accounts for 2018, first full year as a listed company and during which it has completed the integration of EspañaDuero, and an increase in the dividend

Unicaja Banco has taken stock of the year 2018 at its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, held today in Malaga and in which it has approved the annual accounts and the management of its Board of Directors during the previous year - first full year as a listed company-, as well as a proposal for a dividend of 40% of the net profit, with an increase in the dividend per share of 76%. 25 ABR. 2019
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Apple Pay, now available to Unicaja Banco customers

Unicaja Banco has incorporated Apple Pay, Apple's mobile payment system which allows customers to make purchases with mobile devices in a fast, easy and secure way, and without the need of having a physical card. 24 ABR. 2019
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New issue of the report 'Previsiones Económicas de Andalucía' (no. 96/2019), prepared by Analistas Económicos de Andalucía

The Andalusian economy is expected to grow by 2.3% in 2019, with a positive contribution of all the productive sectors and of the components of the internal demand. 23 ABR. 2019
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Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with 380 taxi drivers of Valladolid to facilitate their access to credit

The bank continues supporting these professionals, who will benefit from products on advantageous conditions. 22 ABR. 2019
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The third edition of the course 'Making financial decisions' of Unicaja's Edufinet Project ends with an attendance of nearly 200 participants

Nearly 200 students have participated in the third edition of the course 'Making financial decisions in your personal life', organized by the Edufinet Project, in collaboration with the Distance University (UNED-Málaga). Most of the participants have chosen the online modality to follow the contents of each session. 17 ABR. 2019
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Unicaja Banco becomes a sponsors of Teatro de la Maestranza of Seville

Unicaja Banco joins the group of general sponsors of Teatro de la Maestranza of Seville. Under the signature of an agreement, the bank will support the activity of this cultural space of Seville. 16 ABR. 2019
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Unicaja Banco will support the Academia de la Legislación and the Decanato de Registradores in Valladolid to organize workshops on legal topics

These institutions, which promote training courses, gather a total of 100 professionals of the judiciary in the province. 16 ABR. 2019
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