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Unicaja Banco promotes the online subscription of insurances and offers a discount of up to 20% in home insurance

Unicaja Banco, in order to make it easier, faster and more agile for its customers, is promoting the online subscription of non-life insurance, such as Caser Seguro Hogar Protección, with a broad cover and with a promotional discount of up to 20% 22 ABR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco publishes the latest issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Castilla y León (no. 25/2021

The estimations for 2021 indicate a growth in the regional GDP ranging from 3.5 to 5.4%. Furthermore, employment is expected to vary between 0.4 and -0.1%% 16 ABR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco publica el último número de su informe ‘Previsiones Económicas de Andalucía’ (nº 104/2021)

La economía andaluza registra en 2020 una caída del 10,3% (-10,8% en España), según se recoge en el último número del informe ‘Previsiones Económicas de Andalucía’, elaborado por Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, sociedad de estudios del Grupo Unicaja Banco. Las previsiones para 2021 apuntan a un incremento del PIB andaluz entre el 3,7% y el 5,7% 15 ABR. 2021
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Unicaja Edufinet Project takes financial education to Asociación Asperger Madrid

Unicaja Edufinet Project has taken, for the first time, finance education to the more than 30 members of Asociación Asperger Madrid (Madrid Asperger Association) through several online lectures 14 ABR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco promotes the direct deposit of salaries with a card of up to 150 euros

Unicaja Banco has launched a new campaign to promote the direct deposit of salaries with a card of up to 150 euros 13 ABR. 2021
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Nearly 7,000 students from 30 provinces participate in the 12th Online Conferences on Financial Education for Young People organized by Edufinet

Nearly 7,000 students from 30 provinces have participated during this school year in the 12th Conference on Financial Education for Young People, organized by Unicaja’s Edufinet Project to provide secondary education and baccalaureate students with a clear view of the economic and financial world 07 ABR. 2021
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The Shareholder’s Meetings of Unicaja Banco and Liberbank approve their merger and the respective dividend distribution

The Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders of Unicaja Banco and Liberbank have approved the merger transaction under which Unicaja Banco will absorb Liberbank, and also the composition of the new Board of Directors post-merger 31 MAR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco reaffirms its support to the Official Dentist Association of Almeria and it offers a comprehensive financial service to nearly 400 professionals in the province

The bank makes available to the members of the Association a full range of products specifically designed to meet their needs, as well as facilities and financing to favor and improve the development of their professional activities, especially in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic 30 MAR. 2021
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Unicaja Banco offers financing and services under advantageous terms to more than 6,500 lawyers member of the Bar Association of Malaga as support against COVID-19

Unicaja Banco has renewed the collaboration maintained for more than twenty years with the Bar Association of Malaga, under which the bank puts at the disposal of the more than 6,500 lawyers member of the association a specific comprehensive service to facilitate and improve the development of their activities, especially in the current context of crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic 29 MAR. 2021
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