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Unicaja banco hosts in Almeria a new seminar of Enclave Agrario, and it analyses the challenges faced by the agri-food sector

Unicaja Banco hosted today in Almeria a new seminar of Enclave Agrario, a series of meetings with business owners of the agricultural sector, held in different cities to analyse the new business trends and strategies. In particular, it has focused on the challenges to be faced by the agri-food sector. 27 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given today to the winning companies of Granada province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Granada was held today, to recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been SOS10 and Salazones Cobasal. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business ‘Creation’ and ‘Consolidation’ respectively. 26 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco renews one more year its agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners to promote investments and entrepreneurship

Unicaja Banco has renewed for one more year its collaboration agreement with the Malaga Confederation of Business Owners (CEM, Confederación de Empresarios de Málaga) to provide financing, on advantageous terms, to companies established in the province, and with the aim of promoting investments, encouraging foreign trade and supporting the expansion and development of strategic projects of the business sector in Malaga and the province. 24 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco organizes in Sevilla a workshop on investment advice within its III Private Banking Meetings

Unicaja Banco, through its Private Banking, Unicorp Patrimonio S.V., has organized in Sevilla an informative session to analyze the best strategies for medium- and long-term investments and savings. 24 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco, awarded in the 31st edition of the Premios Dirigentes, in the category Business Strategy

Unicaja Banco has been awarded in the 31st edition of the 'Premios Dirigentes', organized by Grupo Dirigentes, in the category 'Business Strategy' for its orientation to retail banking business under a prudent management of its commercial strategy and risk profile. 21 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco organizes in Cadiz a workshop on investment advice within its III Private Banking Meetings

Unicaja Banco, through its Private Banking, Unicorp Patrimonio S.V., has organized in Cadiz an informative session to analyze the best strategies for medium- and long-term investments and savings. 20 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given today to the winning companies of Jaen province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Jaen was held today, to recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been Agua de olivo, promoter of a natural a healthy beverage from olive leaf infusion; and Tintia Drinks, dedicated to the production and sale of intense aroma non-carbonated alcohol-free beverages. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively. 20 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco sponsors Startup Europe Smart Agrifood Summit as part of its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship in the agrifood sector

Unicaja Banco is a firm believer in innovation as a key element for the growth and sustainability of the agrifood sector. Therefore, it is a sponsor at Startup Europe Smart Agrifood Summit, a pioneering event to be held today and tomorrow at Malaga Trade Fair and Congress Center. 20 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja teaches entrepreneurs the steps to follow to launch their business initiatives

Unicaja, through the Edufinet Project, has given, together with the company Promálaga, belonging to Málaga City Council, a workshop to provide entrepreneurs with skills and knowledge to launch their business initiatives. 19 JUN. 2018
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