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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given today to the winning companies of Almeria province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Almeria was held today, to recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been Niwa of Spain, dedicated to the commercialization of an online platform for indoor gardening using mini-greenhouses, and Voss Flamenco International, specializing in the customized design and sale of flamenco dresses. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively. 19 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco and ICO participate in a workshop on financing and investment in energy efficiency for shops in Andalusia

The workshop, organized in collaboration with the Andalusia Business Confederation of Commerce, has been held in Sevilla and has been attended by around fifty business owners, as well as by presidents and representatives of different groups of Andalusian commercial sector. During the workshop, the participating businesses, shops and associations have been informed about the different types of financing for their activity, and especially, about the new line for energy efficiency projects. 19 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given today to the winning companies of Huelva province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Huelva was held today, to recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been Magnatronik, developer of a Pad that emits electromagnetic radiation stimulating the body’s natural regeneration, and Ontech Security, specializing in control and measurement of magnetic and electrostatic fields. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively. 18 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco sets up, one more year, a funding line for 1 billion euros for the Andalusian businesses with the renewal of its agreement with the CEA

Unicaja Banco and the Andalusian Confederation of Business Owners (CEA, Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía) have renewed their collaboration agreement under which the bank sets up again a funding line for €1,000 million to support Andalusian businesses and to promote entrepreneurship, key groups for its activity. 18 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco starts in Malaga its III Private Banking Meetings to offer investment advice

Unicaja Banco, through its Private Banking, Unicorp Patrimonio S.V., has started in Malaga its III Private Banking Meetings, to analyze the best strategies for medium- and long-term investments and savings. 17 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco sponsors Interex Forum in Malaga, a meeting between representatives of 40 countries to generate business internationally

Unicaja Banco sponsors Interex Fórum, a meeting held today and tomorrow in Malaga with the presence of representatives of 40 countries and international companies or in search of market niches. The goal is to become the largest networking event in Spain. 13 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given today to the winning companies of Cordoba province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Cordoba was held today, to recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been Genially, specializing in graphic and web design, and Caprichos del Guadalquivir, dedicated to the production and sale of jams made from single-variety citrus fruits. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively. 13 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja Banco supports the Andalucía Emprende Awards, given to the winning companies of Sevilla province

This is the V edition of these Awards, whose provincial phase in Sevilla was held yesterday, which recognize one more year the most innovative business initiatives in the province and with the highest growth and development potential. This year, the winning companies have been OpenTherapi, specializing in the field of online psychological therapy, and Iaxxon Energía, dedicated to the development of solar air heating with thermal energy. The companies have been awarded in the categories of business Creation and Consolidation respectively. 13 JUN. 2018
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Unicaja banco hosts in Antequera a new seminar of Enclave Agrario, and it analyses the challenges and future strategies of the olive grove sector

Unicaja Banco hosted today in Antequera (Malaga) a new seminar of Enclave Agrario, a series of meetings with business owners of the agricultural sector, held in different cities to analyse the new business trends and strategies, as well as the importance of agri-food for the Spanish economy. In particular, it has focused on the future challenges of olive growing. 12 JUN. 2018
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