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Unicaja Banco supports vocational training and offers funding and services on advantageous terms to students and staff of MEDAC school

Unicaja Banco supports training and, specifically Vocational Training as a way to improve the specialization and employability, thus facilitating the access of young people to the job market. This support is reflected in the signing of a collaboration agreement with MEDAC school, under which students and staff will have access to financial products and services on advantageous terms. 31 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco offers preferential financing to training companies of Castilla y Leon to boost the sector in view of the COVID-19 crisis

Unicaja Banco and the Federación de Asociaciones Castellano-Leonesas de Empresas de Formación (CECAP Castilla y León – Castilla y Leon Federation of Training Companies’ Associations) renew their collaboration agreement to boost the sector in view of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic 20 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco strengthens its support to the brotherhoods of Hermandades de Gloria de Málaga, and it offers them a comprehensive financial service

Unicaja Banco supports one more year the Agrupación de Congregaciones y Hermandades de Gloria de Málaga, through the renewal of their collaboration agreement, under which the bank puts at the disposal of the brotherhood’s association a comprehensive and specific financial service, on advantageous terms, to facilitate the development of their activities and projects, especially after the crisis due 18 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco provides support to SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura and strengthens financing under guarantee schemes to reactivate the economy in the COVID-19 crisis

Unicaja Banco shows its support to SMEs and freelancers in Extremadura and, in view of the situation caused by the coronavirus crisis, in addition to joining the guarantee facilities set by institutions such as ICO, it has adhered to the line established in Extremadura via Extraval 13 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco is again leader in CAP subsidies in Castilla y Leon, with over 14,000 dossiers managed, a fifth of the region’s overall

Unicaja Banco continues to be a reference in Castilla y Leon in the aid campaign of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been developed normally despite the COVID-19 health crisis 10 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco publishes a new issue of its report 'Situación económica y perspectivas de las provincias de Castilla y León' (no. 2/2020)

In 2020, the economic activity in Castilla y Leon provinces could fall by 7.9-10.3%, according to the latest issue of the quarterly report ‘Situación económica y perspectivas de las provincias de Castilla y León’, prepared by Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, research company of Grupo Unicaja Banco 06 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco publishes a new issue of its report 'Situación económica y perspectivas de las provincias de Andalucía' (no. 2/2020)

In 2020, the GDP in Andalusia provinces could fall by 9.1-10.6%, according to the latest issue of the quarterly report ‘Situación económica y perspectivas de las provincias de Andalcuía’, prepared by Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, research company of Grupo Unicaja Banco 05 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco, together with Diputación de Almería, installs ATMs in villages with no bank branches to avoid financial exclusion

This initiative, which allows to avoid financial exclusion in those villages, falls within Unicaja Banco’s interest in supporting and facilitating the economic boost of Almeria and its province, where it is the bank of reference 04 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renews its collaboration with CIT Marbella and offers financial products and services to its nearly 500 members

This agreement is especially remarkable nowadays, due to the effects caused by the COVID-19 on the economy, and it adds to the measures implemented by Unicaja Banco for businesses and families in order to mitigate those impacts 04 AGO. 2020
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