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Unicaja Banco earns €61 million in the first half after setting aside extraordinary provisions for €103 million due to COVID-19

The main keys of Unicaja Banco in the first half have been the capacity to generate results –which allows to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19-, the growth in the activity, the ongoing decrease in operating expenses and NPAs, as well as the high solvency and liquidity levels and the strengthening of the capital ratios 03 AGO. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with the Official Association of Physicians of Malaga to favour their activities and provide support to face the COVID-19

Unicaja Banco has renewed one more year its support to the Official Association of Physicians of Málaga (Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Málaga, Commálaga) and to its more than 8,700 members. For that purpose, both institutions have renewed their collaboration agreement, under which the bank puts at the disposal of these professionals financing, products and services with preferential conditions 31 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renews its supports to Marbella business owners and SMEs member of Apymem

Unicaja Banco has signed a new collaboration agreement with the Marbella Association of SMEs to put at the disposal of this organization, with more than 180 members, a comprehensive specific financial service, on advantageous terms and with personal service, aimed at improving the development of the management and activities of its members, especially in view of the situation caused by the coronav 30 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renueva su apoyo a la Asociación Vallisoletana de Comercio y a sus 500 establecimientos para impulsar al sector ante el COVID-19

La entidad está intensificando su cooperación con los distintos sectores económicos de la provincia de Valladolid y de Castilla y León 30 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco supports the start-up of a lab at the UMA for COVID-19 detection and research

Unicaja Banco and the University of Malaga (UMA) have signed an agreement which will allow, thanks to the support of the financial institution, the start-up of a lab to carry out COVID-19 diagnosis with PCR tests. Additionally, this collaboration will allow for the development of research on the disease 29 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with CEM and sets a €700 million financing facility to support Malaga companies against the COVID-19

The bank offers its support to the members of CEM, and it puts at their disposal a comprehensive range of specific financial products and services under advantageous conditions, to facilitate their daily activities, investments and recurring payments 27 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco publishes the latest issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Castilla y León (no. 22/2020)

The Castilla y Leon economy could decrease by 9.1%-12.1%, as a consequence of the impact derived from the coronavirus crisis, 24 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco publishes the latest issue of the report ‘Previsiones Económicas de Andalucía’ (no. 101/2020)

The Andalusian economy could decrease in 2020 by 9.8%-13.0%, as a consequence of the impact derived from the coronavirus crisis, as mentioned in the latest issue of the report ‘Previsiones Econónomicas de Andalucía’, prepared by Analistas Económicos de Andalucía, research company of Grupo Unicaja Banco 23 JUL. 2020
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Unicaja Banco renews its agreement with Cooperativa Radio Taxi Valladolid and will facilitate financing to 376 taxi drivers

Unicaja Banco is increasing its cooperation with the different economic sectors of Valladolid province and Castilla y Leon, to help mitigate the effects caused by the coronavirus health crisis 23 JUL. 2020
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